Creating Stitching Adventures |
When Dawn moved to Florida, she decided to retire her company while settling into her new life. After many changes in her life (such as going back to college and getting her degree at 50!), Dawn renewed her interest in designing and teaching, thus Morning Glory Needleworks was reborn! Besides designing original pieces, Dawn continues to collect antique samplers and is in the process of researching and reproducing them. The name Morning Glory Needleworks comes from her memories of her grandparent’s farm with Grandma’s garden and the Morning Glories that always grew by the porch. Dawn is currently a member of the Cyberstitchers chapter of EGA. She has designed and taught a sampler class for a sampler exhibit at a local museum. Her teaching experience also includes EGA, needlework shops, and sampler guilds. She also has attended many seminars on samplers and their history, plus classes in textile conservation. Dawn has literally taught from coast to coast – Mystic CT on the East Coast to Seattle WA on the West Coast. Dawn currently resides in St. Petersburg FL with her cats – Glinda, Bustafur, and the baby, Elphaba. When she is not stitching, Dawn can be found haunting Flea Markets and Antiques shows with her fiancé, Jefrey.
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